Monday, September 7, 2020

San Clemente Balcony Deck Waterproofing

San Clemente Ca is known for its rustic beauty. Rolling hills near the ocean, elicit images of a long lost simpler life. In fact, it boasts the world's best climate! Prestige Deck Coating adds to that simple beauty with our signature balcony deck waterproofing system. Simple lines and waterproof decks – a no lose situation.


san clemente balcony deck waterproofingTo prepare for our custom designed balcony waterproofing system, we offer these services based on our customer's needs:

Plywood Re-Sheeting. When there is rust intrusion, we can rip out all of the existing coating down to the studs. Then we replace the damaged plywood with 3/4 inch sheeting. This allows us to lay a solid foundation for our system.

Flashing. If the metal flashing underlay is rusty, we remove and install industry standard replacements including: deck drains, door pans, drip edge, and diato stucco flashing.

Railing repair. This deck has wrought iron railing. Not a problem for Prestige Deck Coating! Depending on the damage to the deck coating, you have a few options. We can remove the railing and reinstall it after our service. We can work around it. If the railing is rusty, we can repair the railing, weld it, and then reattach it.


The final step in your San Clemente balcony deck waterproofing system is our waterproofing membrane. This is a six level waterproof coating designed for use over plywood sub-floors. Here is the skinny:

1) Metal lathe 
2) Polymer modified concrete 
3) Fiberglass matting and bonder
4) Another skim coat layer of concrete 
5) Your choice of texture
6) Two coats of waterproof paint sealer 
Get your San Clemente Balcony Deck Waterproofing just in time for the winter rains! Call Today for a free onsite estimate.

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Prestige Decking
26941 Avenida Las Palmas Suite A
Capistrano Beach, Ca 92624
949-491-4880 (OFFICE)
949-281-3760 (FAX)