Monday, November 9, 2020

Waterproof Deck Coatings: Glass Railing

You might be surprised at what you find under your waterproof deck coatings. Perhaps, a soft spot or rust or pooling water – or damaged railing? Unfortunately, this could indicate that you have a deeper issue.

You may have a reliable waterproofing system in place, but it is showing signs of wear. Either way, Prestige Deck Coating knows how to discern your custom decking needs.

What To Do When My Deck Needs Help

In one of our latest projects, we installed a new deck coating system with a new glass railing.

Everyone Is Special: Waterproof Deck Coatings System

LEVELS 1-2. First, we install our custom, six-level waterproofing system. Level 1, adhering diamond shaped metal lathe. After stapling down this flexible tough stuff, it achieves strength and a bonding link as a prep for the first coat of concrete. Level 2, we apply a polymer modified concrete layer for a powerfully strong coating base.

LEVELS 3-6. In order to make your waterproof deck coatings watertight, we utilize fiberglass. With a thick matte of boat-style fiberglass, mixed with waterproof bonder, the concrete level is given a fully sealed property. Next, we add another strength and flexibility layer of concrete to "sandwich" the fiberglass. Level 5 is a texture coat for grip and aesthetic nuance. Finally, you get your choice of custom color. Adding charm to your new deck coating system, the last level of paint sealer is concrete fortified and waterproof as well!

You Are Special: Custom Waterproof Deck Coatings

At Prestige Decking, each customer is special. We work with your specific needs and desires. We try to treat our customers the way Mr. Rogers would, "You are the only one like you."

RAILING REPAIR. On one of our latest jobs, we first removed the existing railing that was outdated. Check out the sleek design and powerful anchoring system. What a gorgeous view of the course!

With years of custom installed waterproof deck coatings under our belt, Prestige is your go to OC deck waterproofing system installer. Ask about our warranty options, and eco-friendly products.

Check out our waterproof deck coatings in action!

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Prestige Decking
26941 Avenida Las Palmas Suite A
Capistrano Beach, Ca 92624
949-491-4880 (OFFICE)
949-281-3760 (FAX)